Well-Being Committee

If you have a concern about the possible impairment of a physician colleague, the Well-Being Committee at Natividad Medical Center is a confidential resource where you can discuss this. Call the Well-Being Committee in the Medical Staff Office at 831-755-4196; Location: Building 300 second floor – Natividad Medical Center, 1441 Constitution Blvd., Salinas, CA 93906
In order to improve the quality of care and promote the competence of the Medical Staff and AHPs, the MEC has established a Well Being Committee comprised of interested physician members of the Medical Staff and qualified non-physician members who will bring expertise and experience to the Committee. When an AHP is to be discussed, an AHP member shall be in attendance.
The Well Being Committee may receive self-referrals or reports on the health, well-being, or impairment of Medical Staff members and AHPs.
The Committee shall review the responses from applicants concerning physical or mental disabilities and recommend, if any, reasonable accommodations indicated in order to assure the applicant will provide care in accordance with the Hospital’s and Medical Staff’s standard of care.
The Committee shall also consider general matters related to the health and well-being of the Medical Staff and, with the approval of the MEC, develop educational programs or related activities to educate the Medical Staff and other organization staff about illness and impairment recognition issues specific to physicians.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides initial assessment and referral services at no cost to ALL "Monterey County" Employees and their family members covering a wide variety of work/life problems in areas such as: marital, legal, financial, emotional, stress, substance abuse, grief and loss, work pressures, parent/child conflicts and communication. If you would like to learn more about our Employee Assistance Program, please call your EAP representative at 1-800-531-0200 or visit the http://www.charlesnechtem.com web site where you'll find so much helpful information. Note- You will be required to register (it's quick and easy) to login to their web site.
Doctors and Addiction: helping good people with a bad disease (Powerpoint/PDF)
Drug addiction in health care professionals (Pamphlet/PDF)
Anthony Galicia M.D., Committee Chair, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Program Director
Sheree Goldman NP, Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner
Edward Macias Ed.D, Clinical Psychologist
Brian Aguilera M.D., OB/GYN
Well-Being Committee News - click for the latest news here.