
Full access to these textbooks is available on campus, or off campus by creatinging a Login and Password in AccessMedicine initially while on campus. Click HERE to create a MyAccess Profile login and Password while on campus.
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Hey everybody, do you ever have these thoughts?
- I wish I had a subscription for __ Medical Journal from the Academy of ___
- I’m curious about the latest publications from The ____ Society
- What were the latest guideline updates from ____?
- What were the trial details that led to the creation of this guideline?
I had one of these moments recently, and remembered that our mighty librarian, Cynthia Johnson, is the perfect person to help me!
I’d like to highlight access to resources we discussed today, which we hope will help you to make great clinical decisions for your patients.
The highlights are screenshots that I’ve pasted below.
A word from Cynthia (CC’d here): Do you have any activities or topics you’d like to learn more about? Anything you want more of in your education? Let me know! I can see about making it an educational CME topic for our Natividad CME Podcast series. Don’t forget to sign up (request access here) and use the app (uStudios) for convenient watching when you’re on the go.
From our homepage (or use if you’re at home): go to Quick Links -> Library
From here, 3 things can guide your next step for knowledge:
- Search bar: if you know the name of the article or journal, type it here
- Medical Resources: includes Access Medicine for full-texts (Harrisons, etc), BrowZine for different journals (NEJM, Annals of FM, ACOG, etc), Point of care patient education reference materials
- Department Resouces: check page 2 for Residency specific resources. You can search for textbooks by disciplines (cardiology, endocrinology, etc)
With any of these resources, you can download chapters from texts or journal articles, to save for later.
I used BrowZine to search for a journal, and downloaded the app to have access on my phone. It’s super convenient.
Cynthia gives us an orientation to this at the start of the year, but I forgot a lot of things since then. If you are like me and wanted a refresher, I hope you found this useful!
And a big thank you to Cynthia, for helping me rediscover these great resources.
More sample screenshots, if you’re interested: