Women's & Children's Services

Acuity Worksheet
Antenatal Testing Pt Card 1
Antenatal Testing Pt Card 2
Birth Certificate - English
Birth Certificate - Spanish
Breast Milk Labels
Breast Milk Labels - Sp
Charge Nurse Daily Check Off (L&D)
Classification of Newborns based on Maturity
Code OB Documentation Form
Code OB Emergency with DeBriefing or Postpartum Hemorrhage
Code Saturation L&D Form
Delivery LOG
Feeding, Expressing & Diaper Diary-Eng/Sp
Formula Preparation-Eng/Sp
Hemorrhage Cart Contents
LUNCH Relief Form W&CS
Maternal Transfer Checklist
Maternal Kardex
Newborn Kardex<
Newborn Maturity Rating & Classification
Newborn Transfer Checklist
Nursery Brain
Outpatient charge-NEW
Outpatient Worklist
Patient Intake Form 12/23/19
Thumbs UP
Weekly Department Compliance Assessment
My Preferences and Healthcare Needs - SP
My Preferences and Healthcare Needs - EN
Managing - SP
Managing - EN
Arterial and CVP line setup (only view for 3 minutes 20 seconds; rest does not apply) |
WCS News - click for the latest news from the Women's and Children's Services Department.
L&D Patient Education Book Index
Pain Control Options for Labor SPANISH
Pain Control Options for Labor
Perineal Repair Patient Education SPANISH
Perineal Repair Patient Education
Transcervical Foley Balloon. SPANISH
Transcervical Foley Balloon.docx ENGLISH
Vacuum patient education SPANISH
Bathroom Help After Delivery SPANISH
Blood Glucose Monitoring Newborn-SPANISH
Blood Glucose Monitoring-Newborn
Breastfeeding Positions SPANISH
Breastfeeding Positions-ENGLISH
Pain Management after Delivery
Pain Management after Delivery.SPANISH
Pain Treatment Options After Delivery-SPANISH
Access the most up-to-date patient education pamphlets online and on demand from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) with the our new digital pamphlets subscription. You can download, print, and provide more than 130 ACOG digital pamphlets to patients anytime for extra support and guidance. Available in English and Spanish.
Pamphlet topics include pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum care, gynecologic problems, contraception, and other health concerns. Certain pamphlets are designed especially for teenagers. All pamphlets are backed by ACOG guidance, reviewed by ACOG members, and written to adhere to health literacy standards.
Once you select a pamphlet (English or Spanish), it will download and open the PDF and you can print how many you would like. You can also save them for printing later.
Login and Password are available from your Medical Librarian Cynthia Johnson (johnsoncf@natividad.com) or for Natividad Staff, click here for instructions and login/password.
Click HERE to view all Digital Pamphlets. They have prices, but Natividad has full access with our subscription.
Pamphlet Topics Include:
- Pregnancy
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Breast feeding
- Obstetrical and gynecological diagnostic techniques
- Gynecologic surgical procedures
- Menopause
- Exercise
- Biopsy
- Cesarean delivery
- Fetus
- Contraception
- Drug therapy
- Endometriosis
- Genetic disorders
- Menstruation
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Healthy diet
- Infertility
- Sexual behavior
- Pelvic pain
- Intrauterine devices
- Female genitalia
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Diet
- Obstetric delivery
- Menstruation disturbances
- Leiomyoma
- Uterine cervical neoplasms
- Bacterial infections
- Hysterectomy
- Hormones
- Adolescent
- Menstrual cycle
- Premature obstetric labor
- Congenital abnormalities